three gold processing systems

With the rising gold prices in recent years, it further stimulated the rapid development of gold industry. As the exhaustion of high-grade gold ore, researching on middle-low grade and refractory gold ore and strengthen the traditional gold mining process undoubtedly have become the main trend in global gold beneficiation industry.

Under the new situation, Yantai Group has paid long-term attention to gold recovery process, technology and equipment research & development. After 20 years of continuous studies, according to the different types of gold ore characteristics and user requirements, we have formed three gold beneficiation systems:

Cyanide Leaching Process Floatation Process Gravity Separation Process
gold ore

Gold CIP Process: Fast Absorption Rates, High Recovery Rate

Gold CIP process

【Principle】The process that adopt activated carbon to adsorb and recovery gold from cyanide pulp directly without filtering carbon-in-pulp.

  • Leaching pulp preparation
  • Cyanide leaching→activated carbon adsorption
  • Gold charcoal desorption
  • Obtain gold mud through electric shock
  • Gold charcoal recycling
  • Leaching pulp process

【Products】Leaching Agitation Tank Carbon ScreenWashing ThickenerDesorption Electrolysis System

【Advantages】Cancel the solid-liquid separation equipment, High gold recovery rate; Activated carbon counter current absorption, High adsorption rate

【Application】Flotation gold concentrate or amalgamation, gravitation separation tailings, or argillaceous oxidized gold ore

Email: Tel: +86 15311826627
  • Sudan Alitmad CIP Gold Processing Project

    Sudan CIP Gold Processing Project

  • Indonesia CIP Gold Processing Project

    Indonesia CIP Gold Processing Project

  • Cambodia CIP Gold Processing Project

    Cambodia CIP Gold Processing Project

  • Iran CIP Gold Processing Project

    Iran CIP Gold Processing Project

Gold CIL Process: Simple Process, Low Construction Investment, High Gold Grade

【Principle】The process that add activated carbon to the pulp and leach and adsorb gold simultaneously

  • Leaching pulp preparation
  • Leaching and absorption
  • Gold charcoal desorption
  • Obtain gold mud through electric shock
  • Gold charcoal recycling
  • Leaching pulp process

【Products】Leaching Agitation TankWashing ThickenerDesorption Electrolysis SystemHigh Frequency Dewatering Screen

【Advantages】Simplify the leaching and adsorption process, Save construction cost; Fast gold dissolving speed, High recovery rate

【Application】Large gold processing plant, and the gold processing plant with much more associated silver and copper

Email: Tel: +86 15311826627
  • Wenxian Xinguan CIL gold CIP project

    Wenxian Xinguan CIL gold CIP project

  • Sudan 100t/d CIL gold CIP project

    Sudan 100t/d CIL gold CIP project

  • Zimbabwe 200t/d CIL gold CIP project

    Zimbabwe 200t/d CIL gold CIP project

  • Chile 300t/d CIL gold CIP project

    Chile 300t/d CIL gold CIP project

Gold Flotation Process: Low Agent Consumption, Wide Application Range

Gold flotation process

【Principle】According to the difference of gold ore surface in chemical and physical properties, after the flotation reagents, the gold mine is attached to the bubbles selectively, achieving the separation

【Products】SF Flotation CellJJF Flotation, Wemco FlotationBF Flotation CellXCF air inflation flotation cellKYF Air Inflation Flotation Cell

【Advantages】new flotation reagents, quickly collect gold-bearing sulfide concentrate, achieving efficient synthetically utilization; Low reagents consumption, high gold recovery rate

【Application】Vein gold deposit; gold-bearing sulfide ore

Email: Tel: +86 15311826627
  • Jiehe 1000tpd gold flotation project

    Jiehe 1000tpd gold flotation project

  • Heilngjiang Wulaga 2000tpd gold flotation project

    Heilngjiang Wulaga 2000tpd gold flotation project

  • Armenia 1500tpd gold flotation project

    Armenia 1500tpd gold flotation project

  • Vietnam Kela 400t/d gold flotation project

    Vietnam Kela 400t/d gold flotation project

Gold Gravity Separation Process: Energy saving, Environmental Protection and Economical

Gold gravity separation process

【Principle】According to the relative mineral density difference to separate the gold mine

【Products】JigShaking TableSpiral Chute

【Advantages】High efficiency, Energy saving, Environmental protection and economical; Simple process equipment, Low cost;

【Application】Gravel mine, often combines with other ore dressing process

Email: Tel: +86 15311826627
  • Sudan 10tph gold gravity separation project

    Sudan 10tph gold gravity separation project

  • Outer Mongolia Changzong 150t/d gold gravity separation project

    Outer Mongolia Changzong 150t/d gold gravity separation project

  • Peru Ecuador 150t/d gold gravity separation project

    Peru Ecuador 150t/d gold gravity separation project

  • Inner Mongolia 100t/d gold gravity separation project

    Inner Mongolia 100t/d gold gravity separation project

Gold Heap Leaching Process: Less Construction Investment, Quick Production Result, Good Flexibility

heap leaching of gold process


  • Crush low grade gold ore
  • Store in leakproof foundation pad that paved by pitch, concrete or plastics
  • Spray low concentration of cyanide, alkaline solution, and non-toxic solvent or dilute sulphuric acid on gold stack to dissolve gold
  • Gold solutions penetrates from ore heap
  • Recovery the gold by activated carbon adsorption or the zinc powder exchange precipitation

【Products】Jaw CrusherSpring Cone Crusher ◆ Heap Leaching System: spray and dripping leaching

【Advantages】Simplify the production process: efficient and fast gold dissolution; Small cover area; Good production flexibility

【Application】Often used to develop small ore body or low grade gold ore plants, or both, instead of the deposit that developed by conventional methods

Email: Tel: +86 15311826627
  • Turkey 200t/d heap leaching of gold project

    Turkey 200t/d heap leaching of gold project

  • Peru 150t/d heap leaching of gold project

    Peru 150t/d heap leaching of gold project

  • Myanmar 200t/d heap leaching of gold project

    Myanmar 200t/d heap leaching of gold project

  • Tajikistan 100t/d heap leaching of gold project

    Tajikistan 100t/d heap leaching of gold project

Class B Design Qualification, 20 Years of Gold Processing Experiences

we have make Class B design Qualification, set up mine design institute and mineral processing research institute, more than 200 professionals provide the technical support service for gold processing plant, Since its establishment 20 years, we have been committed to gold processing service the development and innovation of equipment, and has formed the complete gold processing system. we concentrates on providing the Turnkey Solution for Mineral Processing Plant that is research and design- complete equipment manufacturing and procurement- commissioning and delivery”, striving for building the international leading enterprise in gold processing plant industry.

  • Class A design Qualification
  • Gold industry technology innovation strategic alliance enterprises
  • Gold mineral processing design discussion
  • Gold processing experiment

EU Certification International Quality

"Create a global brand, based on global gold markets " has been one of the strategic thought of Yantai Group, depending on its professional gold processing service, we have got the EU certification, and ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification as early as in 2008, we are classified as the assured brand with advanced products and standard quality!

88 patents technologies, more than 500 mineral processing plants in the world

we currently has 88 patents technologies, the gold dressing plant projects spread among China, Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, Iran, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea and other places, and we have established offices around the world.

Tel: 0086-153-1182-6627

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